
class skglm.GeneralizedLinearEstimator(datafit=None, penalty=None, solver=None)[source]#

Generic generalized linear estimator.

This estimator takes a penalty and a datafit and runs a coordinate descent solver to solve the optimization problem. It handles classification and regression tasks.

datafitinstance of BaseDatafit, optional

Datafit. If None, datafit is initialized as a Quadratic datafit. datafit is replaced by a JIT-compiled instance when calling fit.

penaltyinstance of BasePenalty, optional

Penalty. If None, penalty is initialized as a L1 penalty. penalty is replaced by a JIT-compiled instance when calling fit.

solverinstance of BaseSolver, optional

Solver. If None, solver is initialized as an AndersonCD solver.

coef_array, shape (n_features,) or (n_features, n_tasks)

parameter array (`w` in the cost function formula)

sparse_coef_scipy.sparse matrix, shape (n_features, 1) or (n_features, n_tasks)

sparse_coef_ is a readonly property derived from coef_

intercept_array, shape (n_tasks,)

constant term in decision function.


Number of subproblems solved to reach the specified tolerance.

__init__(datafit=None, penalty=None, solver=None)[source]#


__init__([datafit, penalty, solver])

fit(X, y)

Fit estimator.


Get metadata routing of this object.


Get parameters of the estimators including the datafit's and penalty's.


Predict target values for samples in X.


Set the parameters of this estimator.