Source code for lightning.impl.primal_cd

Primal (Block) Coordinate Descent Solvers

This module provides (block) coordinate descent solvers for a variety of loss
functions and penalties.

# Author: Mathieu Blondel
# License: BSD

import numpy as np

from joblib import Parallel, delayed

from .base import BaseClassifier
from .base import BaseRegressor

from .dataset_fast import get_dataset
from .primal_cd_fast import _primal_cd

from .primal_cd_fast import Squared
from .primal_cd_fast import SmoothHinge
from .primal_cd_fast import SquaredHinge
from .primal_cd_fast import ModifiedHuber
from .primal_cd_fast import Log

class _BaseCD(object):

    def _get_loss(self):
        params = {"max_steps": self._get_max_steps(),
                  "sigma": self.sigma,
                  "beta": self.beta,
                  "verbose": self.verbose}

        losses = {
            "squared": Squared(verbose=self.verbose),
            "smooth_hinge": SmoothHinge(**params),
            "squared_hinge": SquaredHinge(**params),
            "modified_huber": ModifiedHuber(**params),
            "log": Log(**params),

        return losses[self.loss]

    def _get_max_steps(self):
        if self.max_steps == "auto":
            if self.loss == "log":
                max_steps = 0
                max_steps = 30
            max_steps = self.max_steps
        return max_steps

    def _get_penalty(self):
        penalties = {
            "l1": 1,
            "l2": 2,
        return penalties[self.penalty]

    def _init_errors(self, Y):
        n_samples, n_vectors = Y.shape
        if self.loss == "squared":
            self.errors_ = -Y.T
            self.errors_ = np.ones((n_vectors, n_samples), dtype=np.float64)

[docs]class CDClassifier(_BaseCD, BaseClassifier): r"""Estimator for learning linear classifiers by (block) coordinate descent. The objective functions considered take the form minimize F(W) = C * L(W) + alpha * R(W), where L(W) is a loss term and R(W) is a penalty term. Parameters ---------- loss : str, 'squared_hinge', 'log', 'modified_huber', 'squared' The loss function to be used. penalty : str, 'l2', 'l1', 'l1/l2' The penalty to be used. - l2: ridge - l1: lasso - l1/l2: group lasso multiclass : bool Whether to use a direct multiclass formulation (True) or one-vs-rest (False). Direct formulations are only available for loss='squared_hinge' and loss='log'. C : float Weight of the loss term. alpha : float Weight of the penalty term. max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations to perform. tol : float Tolerance of the stopping criterion. termination : str, 'violation_sum', 'violation_max' Stopping criterion to use. shrinking : bool Whether to activate shrinking or not. max_steps : int or "auto" Maximum number of steps to use during the line search. Use max_steps=0 to use a constant step size instead of the line search. Use max_steps="auto" to let CDClassifier choose the best value. sigma : float Constant used in the line search sufficient decrease condition. beta : float Multiplicative constant used in the backtracking line search. warm_start : bool Whether to activate warm-start or not. debiasing : bool Whether to refit the model using l2 penalty (only useful if penalty='l1' or penalty='l1/l2'). Cd : float Value of `C` when doing debiasing. warm_debiasing : bool Whether to warm-start the model or not when doing debiasing. selection : str, 'cyclic', 'uniform' Strategy to use for selecting coordinates. permute : bool Whether to permute coordinates or not before cycling (only when selection='cyclic'). callback : callable Callback function. n_calls : int Frequency with which `callback` must be called. random_state : RandomState or int The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use. verbose : int Verbosity level. n_jobs : int Number of CPU's to be used when `multiclass=False` and when penalty is a non group-lasso penalty. By default use one CPU. If set to -1, use all CPU's Examples -------- The following example demonstrates how to learn a classification model with a multiclass squared hinge loss and an l1/l2 penalty. >>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized >>> from lightning.classification import CDClassifier >>> bunch = fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized(subset="all") >>> X, y =, >>> clf = CDClassifier(penalty="l1/l2", loss="squared_hinge", multiclass=True, max_iter=20, alpha=1e-4, C=1.0 / X.shape[0], tol=1e-3, random_state=0).fit(X, y) >>> accuracy = clf.score(X, y) References ---------- Block Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Large-scale Sparse Multiclass Classification. Mathieu Blondel, Kazuhiro Seki, and Kuniaki Uehara. Machine Learning, May 2013. """ def __init__(self, loss="squared_hinge", penalty="l2", multiclass=False, C=1.0, alpha=1.0, max_iter=50, tol=1e-3, termination="violation_sum", shrinking=True, max_steps="auto", sigma=0.01, beta=0.5, warm_start=False, debiasing=False, Cd=1.0, warm_debiasing=False, selection="cyclic", permute=True, callback=None, n_calls=100, random_state=None, verbose=0, n_jobs=1): self.C = C self.alpha = alpha self.loss = loss self.penalty = penalty self.multiclass = multiclass self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.termination = termination self.shrinking = shrinking self.max_steps = max_steps self.sigma = sigma self.beta = beta self.warm_start = warm_start self.debiasing = debiasing self.Cd = Cd self.warm_debiasing = warm_debiasing self.selection = selection self.permute = permute self.callback = callback self.n_calls = n_calls self.random_state = random_state self.verbose = verbose self.coef_ = None self.violation_init_ = {} self.n_jobs = n_jobs
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fit model according to X and y. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] Target values. Returns ------- self : classifier Returns self. """ rs = self._get_random_state() # Create dataset ds = get_dataset(X, order="fortran") n_samples = ds.get_n_samples() n_features = ds.get_n_features() if self.penalty != "l1/l2" and self.multiclass: raise NotImplementedError("True multiclass options not implemented " "for non group-lasso(l1/l2) penalties.") # Create label transformers #neg_label = 0 if self.penalty == "nn" else -1 reencode = self.penalty == "l1/l2" y, n_classes, n_vectors = self._set_label_transformers(y, reencode, neg_label=-1) Y = np.asfortranarray(self.label_binarizer_.transform(y), dtype=np.float64) # Initialize coefficients if not self.warm_start or self.coef_ is None: self.C_init = self.C self.coef_ = np.zeros((n_vectors, n_features), dtype=np.float64) self._init_errors(Y) self.intercept_ = np.zeros(n_vectors, dtype=np.float64) indices = np.arange(n_features, dtype=np.int32) max_steps = self._get_max_steps() # Learning if self.penalty == "l1/l2": tol = self.tol #n_min = np.min(np.sum(Y == 1, axis=0)) #tol *= max(n_min, 1) / n_samples vinit = self.violation_init_.get(0, 0) * self.C / self.C_init model = _primal_cd(self, self.coef_, self.errors_, ds, y, Y, -1, self.multiclass, indices, 12, self._get_loss(), self.selection, self.permute, self.termination, self.C, self.alpha, self.max_iter, max_steps, self.shrinking, vinit, rs, tol, self.callback, self.n_calls, self.verbose) viol = model[0] if self.warm_start and len(self.violation_init_) == 0: self.violation_init_[0] = viol elif self.penalty in ("l1", "l2", "nn"): penalty = self._get_penalty() n_pos = np.zeros(n_vectors) vinit = self.C / self.C_init * np.ones_like(n_pos) for k in range(n_vectors): n_pos[k] = np.sum(Y[:, k] == 1) vinit[k] *= self.violation_init_.get(k, 0) n_neg = n_samples - n_pos tol = self.tol * np.maximum(np.minimum(n_pos, n_neg), 1) / n_samples jobs = (delayed(_primal_cd)(self, self.coef_, self.errors_, ds, y, Y, k, False, indices, penalty, self._get_loss(), self.selection, self.permute, self.termination, self.C, self.alpha, self.max_iter, max_steps, self.shrinking, vinit[k], rs, tol[k], self.callback, self.n_calls, self.verbose) for k in range(n_vectors)) model = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose)(jobs) viol, coefs, errors = zip(*model) self.coef_ = np.asarray(coefs) self.errors_ = np.asarray(errors) for k in range(n_vectors): if self.warm_start and not k in self.violation_init_: self.violation_init_[k] = viol[k] if self.debiasing: nz = self.coef_ != 0 if not self.warm_debiasing: self.coef_ = np.zeros((n_vectors, n_features), dtype=np.float64) self._init_errors(Y) indices = np.arange(n_features, dtype=np.int32) jobs = (delayed(_primal_cd)( self, self.coef_, self.errors_, ds, y, Y, k, False, indices[nz[k]], 2, self._get_loss(), "cyclic", self.permute, "violation_sum", self.Cd, 1.0, self.max_iter, max_steps, False, 0, rs, self.tol, self.callback, self.n_calls, self.verbose ) for k in range(n_vectors)) model = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose)(jobs) viol, coefs, errors = zip(*model) self.coef_ = np.asarray(coefs) self.errors_ = np.asarray(errors) return self
[docs]class CDRegressor(_BaseCD, BaseRegressor): r"""Estimator for learning linear regressors by (block) coordinate descent. The objective functions considered take the form minimize F(W) = C * L(W) + alpha * R(W), where L(W) is a loss term and R(W) is a penalty term. Parameters ---------- loss : str, 'squared' The loss function to be used. penalty : str, 'l2', 'l1', 'l1/l2' The penalty to be used. - l2: ridge - l1: lasso - l1/l2: group lasso For other parameters, see `CDClassifier`. """ def __init__(self, C=1.0, alpha=1.0, loss="squared", penalty="l2", max_iter=50, tol=1e-3, termination="violation_sum", shrinking=True, max_steps=30, sigma=0.01, beta=0.5, warm_start=False, debiasing=False, Cd=1.0, warm_debiasing=False, selection="cyclic", permute=True, callback=None, n_calls=100, random_state=None, verbose=0, n_jobs=1): self.C = C self.alpha = alpha self.loss = loss self.penalty = penalty self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.termination = termination self.shrinking = shrinking self.max_steps = max_steps self.sigma = sigma self.beta = beta self.warm_start = warm_start self.debiasing = debiasing self.Cd = Cd self.warm_debiasing = warm_debiasing self.selection = selection self.permute = permute self.callback = callback self.n_calls = n_calls self.random_state = random_state self.verbose = verbose self.coef_ = None self.violation_init_ = {} self.n_jobs = n_jobs
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fit model according to X and y. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values. Returns ------- self : regressor Returns self. """ rs = self._get_random_state() # Create dataset ds = get_dataset(X, order="fortran") n_features = ds.get_n_features() self.outputs_2d_ = len(y.shape) == 2 if self.outputs_2d_: Y = y else: Y = y.reshape(-1, 1) Y = np.asfortranarray(Y, dtype=np.float64) y = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int32) n_vectors = Y.shape[1] # Initialize coefficients if not self.warm_start or self.coef_ is None: self.C_init = self.C self.coef_ = np.zeros((n_vectors, n_features), dtype=np.float64) self._init_errors(Y) self.intercept_ = np.zeros(n_vectors, dtype=np.float64) indices = np.arange(n_features, dtype=np.int32) if self.penalty == "l1/l2": vinit = self.violation_init_.get(0, 0) * self.C / self.C_init model = _primal_cd(self, self.coef_, self.errors_, ds, y, Y, -1, False, indices, 12, self._get_loss(), self.selection, self.permute, self.termination, self.C, self.alpha, self.max_iter, self.max_steps, self.shrinking, vinit, rs, self.tol, self.callback, self.n_calls, self.verbose) viol = model[0] if self.warm_start and len(self.violation_init_) == 0: self.violation_init_[0] = viol else: penalty = self._get_penalty() vinit = np.asarray([self.violation_init_.get(k, 0) for k in range(n_vectors)]) * self.C / self.C_init jobs = (delayed(_primal_cd)(self, self.coef_, self.errors_, ds, y, Y, k, False, indices, penalty, self._get_loss(), self.selection, self.permute, self.termination, self.C, self.alpha, self.max_iter, self.max_steps, self.shrinking, vinit[k], rs, self.tol, self.callback, self.n_calls, self.verbose) for k in range(n_vectors)) model = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose)(jobs) viol, self.coef_, self.error_ = zip(*model) self.coef_ = np.asarray(self.coef_) self.error_ = np.asarray(self.error_) if self.warm_start and not n_vectors in self.violation_init_: self.violation_init_[n_vectors] = viol return self