Source code for category_encoders.quantile_encoder

"""Quantile Encoder"""
__author__ = "david26694", "cmougan"

from functools import reduce
import operator
from typing import List
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

import category_encoders.utils as util
from category_encoders.ordinal import OrdinalEncoder

[docs]class QuantileEncoder(util.BaseEncoder, util.SupervisedTransformerMixin): """Quantile Encoding for categorical features. This a statistically modified version of target MEstimate encoder where selected features are replaced by the statistical quantile instead of the mean. Replacing with the median is a particular case where self.quantile = 0.5. In comparison to MEstimateEncoder it has two tunable parameter `m` and `quantile` Parameters ---------- verbose: int integer indicating verbosity of the output. 0 for none. quantile: float float indicating statistical quantile. ´0.5´ for median. m: float this is the “m” in the m-probability estimate. Higher value of m results into stronger shrinking. M is non-negative. 0 for no smoothing. cols: list a list of columns to encode, if None, all string columns will be encoded. drop_invariant: bool boolean for whether or not to drop columns with 0 variance. return_df: bool boolean for whether to return a pandas DataFrame from transform (otherwise it will be a numpy array). handle_missing: str options are 'error', 'return_nan' and 'value', defaults to 'value', which returns the target quantile. handle_unknown: str options are 'error', 'return_nan' and 'value', defaults to 'value', which returns the target quantile. Example ------- >>> from category_encoders import * >>> import pandas as pd >>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml >>> bunch = fetch_openml(name="house_prices", as_frame=True) >>> display_cols = ["Id", "MSSubClass", "MSZoning", "LotFrontage", "YearBuilt", "Heating", "CentralAir"] >>> y = >>> X = pd.DataFrame(, columns=bunch.feature_names)[display_cols] >>> enc = QuantileEncoder(cols=["CentralAir", "Heating"], quantile=0.5, m=1.0).fit(X, y) >>> numeric_dataset = enc.transform(X) >>> print( <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1460 entries, 0 to 1459 Data columns (total 7 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Id 1460 non-null float64 1 MSSubClass 1460 non-null float64 2 MSZoning 1460 non-null object 3 LotFrontage 1201 non-null float64 4 YearBuilt 1460 non-null float64 5 Heating 1460 non-null float64 6 CentralAir 1460 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(6), object(1) memory usage: 80.0+ KB None References ---------- .. [1] Quantile Encoder: Tackling High Cardinality Categorical Features in Regression Problems, .. [2] A Preprocessing Scheme for High-Cardinality Categorical Attributes in Classification and Prediction Problems, equation 7, from .. [3] On estimating probabilities in tree pruning, equation 1, from .. [4] Additive smoothing, from .. [5] Target encoding done the right way """ prefit_ordinal = True encoding_relation = util.EncodingRelation.ONE_TO_ONE def __init__( self, verbose=0, cols=None, drop_invariant=False, return_df=True, handle_missing="value", handle_unknown="value", quantile=0.5, m=1.0, ): super().__init__(verbose=verbose, cols=cols, drop_invariant=drop_invariant, return_df=return_df, handle_unknown=handle_unknown, handle_missing=handle_missing) self.ordinal_encoder = None self.mapping = None self.quantile = quantile self.m = m def _fit(self, X, y, **kwargs): y = y.astype(float) self.ordinal_encoder = OrdinalEncoder( verbose=self.verbose, cols=self.cols, handle_unknown="value", handle_missing="value", ) self.ordinal_encoder = X_ordinal = self.ordinal_encoder.transform(X) self.mapping = self.fit_quantile_encoding(X_ordinal, y) def fit_quantile_encoding(self, X, y): mapping = {} # Calculate global statistics prior = np.quantile(y, self.quantile) for switch in self.ordinal_encoder.category_mapping: col = switch.get("col") values = switch.get("mapping") # Calculate sum, count and quantile of the target for each unique value in the feature col stats = y.groupby(X[col]).agg([lambda x: np.quantile(x, self.quantile), "sum", "count"]) stats.columns = ["quantile", "sum", "count"] # Calculate the m-probability estimate of the quantile estimate = (stats["count"] * stats["quantile"] + prior * self.m) / (stats["count"] + self.m) if self.handle_unknown == "return_nan": estimate.loc[-1] = np.nan elif self.handle_unknown == "value": estimate.loc[-1] = prior if self.handle_missing == "return_nan": estimate.loc[values.loc[np.nan]] = np.nan elif self.handle_missing == "value": estimate.loc[-2] = prior mapping[col] = estimate return mapping def _transform(self, X, y=None): X = self.ordinal_encoder.transform(X) if self.handle_unknown == "error": if X[self.cols].isin([-1]).any().any(): raise ValueError("Unexpected categories found in dataframe") X = self.quantile_encode(X) return X def quantile_encode(self, X_in): X = X_in.copy(deep=True) for col in self.cols: X[col] = X[col].map(self.mapping[col]) return X
# todo does not fit in schema since it is an ensemble of other encoders
[docs]class SummaryEncoder(BaseEstimator, util.TransformerWithTargetMixin): """Summary Encoding for categorical features. It's an encoder designed for creating richer representations by applying quantile encoding for a set of quantiles. Parameters ---------- verbose: int integer indicating verbosity of the output. 0 for none. quantiles: list list of floats indicating the statistical quantiles. Each element represent a column m: float this is the “m” in the m-probability estimate. Higher value of m results into stronger shrinking. M is non-negative. 0 for no smoothing. cols: list a list of columns to encode, if None, all string columns will be encoded. drop_invariant: bool boolean for whether or not to drop columns with 0 variance. return_df: bool boolean for whether to return a pandas DataFrame from transform (otherwise it will be a numpy array). handle_missing: str options are 'error', 'return_nan' and 'value', defaults to 'value', which returns the target quantile. handle_unknown: str options are 'error', 'return_nan' and 'value', defaults to 'value', which returns the target quantile. Example ------- >>> from category_encoders import * >>> import pandas as pd >>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml >>> bunch = fetch_openml(name="house_prices", as_frame=True) >>> display_cols = ["Id", "MSSubClass", "MSZoning", "LotFrontage", "YearBuilt", "Heating", "CentralAir"] >>> y = >>> X = pd.DataFrame(, columns=bunch.feature_names)[display_cols] >>> enc = SummaryEncoder(cols=["CentralAir", "Heating"], quantiles=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75]).fit(X, y) >>> numeric_dataset = enc.transform(X) >>> print( <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1460 entries, 0 to 1459 Data columns (total 11 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Id 1460 non-null float64 1 MSSubClass 1460 non-null float64 2 MSZoning 1460 non-null object 3 LotFrontage 1201 non-null float64 4 YearBuilt 1460 non-null float64 5 Heating_25 1460 non-null float64 6 Heating_50 1460 non-null float64 7 Heating_75 1460 non-null float64 8 CentralAir_25 1460 non-null float64 9 CentralAir_50 1460 non-null float64 10 CentralAir_75 1460 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(10), object(1) memory usage: 125.6+ KB None References ---------- .. [1] Quantile Encoder: Tackling High Cardinality Categorical Features in Regression Problems, .. [2] A Preprocessing Scheme for High-Cardinality Categorical Attributes in Classification and Prediction Problems, equation 7, from .. [3] On estimating probabilities in tree pruning, equation 1, from .. [4] Additive smoothing, from .. [5] Target encoding done the right way """ encoding_relation = util.EncodingRelation.ONE_TO_M def __init__( self, verbose=0, cols=None, drop_invariant=False, return_df=True, handle_missing="value", handle_unknown="value", quantiles=(0.25, 0.75), m=1.0, ): self.return_df = return_df self.drop_invariant = drop_invariant self.drop_cols = [] self.verbose = verbose self.cols = cols self.use_default_cols = cols is None # if True, even a repeated call of fit() will select string columns from X self.ordinal_encoder = None self._dim = None self.mapping = None self.handle_unknown = handle_unknown self.handle_missing = handle_missing self.quantiles = quantiles self.m = m self.encoder_list = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fits the encoder according to X and y by fitting the individual encoders. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] Target values. Returns ------- self : encoder Returns self. """ X, y = util.convert_inputs(X, y) self.feature_names_in_ = X.columns.tolist() self.n_features_in_ = len(self.feature_names_in_) if self.use_default_cols: self.cols = util.get_categorical_cols(X) else: self.cols = util.convert_cols_to_list(self.cols) rounded_percentiles = [round(quantile * 100) for quantile in self.quantiles] if len(rounded_percentiles) != len(set(rounded_percentiles)): raise ValueError("There are two quantiles that belong to the same rounded percentile") encoder_list = [] for quantile in self.quantiles: enc = QuantileEncoder( verbose=self.verbose, cols=self.cols, drop_invariant=self.drop_invariant, return_df=True, # always return df for individual encoders. If not desired this is handled below. handle_missing=self.handle_missing, handle_unknown=self.handle_unknown, quantile=quantile, m=self.m, ), y) encoder_list.append(enc) self.drop_cols += enc.invariant_cols self.feature_names_out_ = reduce( operator.add, [ [self._get_col_name(c, enc.quantile) for enc in encoder_list if c not in enc.invariant_cols] if c in self.cols else [c] for c in X.columns ], ) self.encoder_list = encoder_list return self
def transform(self, X, y=None, override_return_df=False): if self.encoder_list is None: raise ValueError("Must train encoder before it can be used to transform data.") X, y = util.convert_inputs(X, y) orig_cols = X.columns transformed_df = X.copy() for idx, encoder in enumerate(self.encoder_list): colname_mapping = {col: self._get_col_name(col, encoder.quantile) for col in self.cols} X_encoded = encoder.transform(X.copy()).rename(columns=colname_mapping) if idx == 0: transformed_df = X_encoded else: new_feat = X_encoded[[c for c in X_encoded.columns if c not in orig_cols]] transformed_df = pd.concat([transformed_df, new_feat], axis=1) feature_order = [c for c in self.get_feature_names_out() if c in transformed_df] transformed_df = transformed_df[feature_order] if self.return_df or override_return_df: return transformed_df else: return transformed_df.to_numpy() def get_feature_names(self) -> List[str]: warnings.warn("`get_feature_names` is deprecated in all of sklearn. Use `get_feature_names_out` instead.", category=FutureWarning) return self.get_feature_names_out()
[docs] def get_feature_names_out(self, input_features=None) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the names of all transformed / added columns. Note that in sklearn the get_feature_names_out function takes the feature_names_in as an argument and determines the output feature names using the input. A fit is usually not necessary and if so a NotFittedError is raised. We just require a fit all the time and return the fitted output columns. Returns ------- feature_names: np.ndarray A list with all feature names transformed or added. Note: potentially dropped features (because the feature is constant/invariant) are not included! """ out_feats = getattr(self, "feature_names_out_", None) if not isinstance(out_feats, list): raise NotFittedError("Estimator has to be fitted to return feature names.") else: return np.array(out_feats, dtype=object)
[docs] def get_feature_names_in(self) -> List[str]: """ Returns the names of all input columns present when fitting. These columns are necessary for the transform step. """ in_feats = getattr(self, "feature_names_in_", None) if not isinstance(in_feats, list): raise NotFittedError("Estimator has to be fitted to return feature names.") else: return in_feats
@staticmethod def _get_col_name(col: str, quantile: float) -> str: percentile = round(quantile * 100) return f"{col}_{percentile}"