"""One-hot or dummy coding"""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings
from category_encoders.ordinal import OrdinalEncoder
import category_encoders.utils as util
__author__ = 'willmcginnis'
[docs]class OneHotEncoder(util.BaseEncoder, util.UnsupervisedTransformerMixin):
"""Onehot (or dummy) coding for categorical features, produces one feature per category, each binary.
verbose: int
integer indicating verbosity of the output. 0 for none.
cols: list
a list of columns to encode, if None, all string columns will be encoded.
drop_invariant: bool
boolean for whether or not to drop columns with 0 variance.
return_df: bool
boolean for whether to return a pandas DataFrame from transform (otherwise it will be a numpy array).
use_cat_names: bool
if True, category values will be included in the encoded column names. Since this can result in duplicate column names, duplicates are suffixed with '#' symbol until a unique name is generated.
If False, category indices will be used instead of the category values.
handle_unknown: str
options are 'error', 'return_nan', 'value', and 'indicator'. The default is 'value'.
'error' will raise a `ValueError` at transform time if there are new categories.
'return_nan' will encode a new value as `np.nan` in every dummy column.
'value' will encode a new value as 0 in every dummy column.
'indicator' will add an additional dummy column (in both training and test data).
handle_missing: str
options are 'error', 'return_nan', 'value', and 'indicator'. The default is 'value'.
'error' will raise a `ValueError` if missings are encountered.
'return_nan' will encode a missing value as `np.nan` in every dummy column.
'value' will encode a missing value as 0 in every dummy column.
'indicator' will treat missingness as its own category, adding an additional dummy column
(whether there are missing values in the training set or not).
'ignore' will encode missing values as 0 in every dummy column, NOT adding an additional category.
>>> from category_encoders import *
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
>>> bunch = fetch_openml(name="house_prices", as_frame=True)
>>> display_cols = ["Id", "MSSubClass", "MSZoning", "LotFrontage", "YearBuilt", "Heating", "CentralAir"]
>>> y = bunch.target
>>> X = pd.DataFrame(bunch.data, columns=bunch.feature_names)[display_cols]
>>> enc = OneHotEncoder(cols=['CentralAir', 'Heating'], handle_unknown='indicator').fit(X, y)
>>> numeric_dataset = enc.transform(X)
>>> print(numeric_dataset.info())
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1460 entries, 0 to 1459
Data columns (total 15 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Id 1460 non-null float64
1 MSSubClass 1460 non-null float64
2 MSZoning 1460 non-null object
3 LotFrontage 1201 non-null float64
4 YearBuilt 1460 non-null float64
5 Heating_1 1460 non-null int64
6 Heating_2 1460 non-null int64
7 Heating_3 1460 non-null int64
8 Heating_4 1460 non-null int64
9 Heating_5 1460 non-null int64
10 Heating_6 1460 non-null int64
11 Heating_-1 1460 non-null int64
12 CentralAir_1 1460 non-null int64
13 CentralAir_2 1460 non-null int64
14 CentralAir_-1 1460 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(10), object(1)
memory usage: 171.2+ KB
.. [1] Contrast Coding Systems for Categorical Variables, from
.. [2] Gregory Carey (2003). Coding Categorical Variables, from
prefit_ordinal = True
encoding_relation = util.EncodingRelation.ONE_TO_N_UNIQUE
def __init__(self, verbose=0, cols=None, drop_invariant=False, return_df=True,
handle_missing='value', handle_unknown='value', use_cat_names=False):
super().__init__(verbose=verbose, cols=cols, drop_invariant=drop_invariant, return_df=return_df,
handle_unknown=handle_unknown, handle_missing=handle_missing)
self.mapping = None
self.ordinal_encoder = None
self.use_cat_names = use_cat_names
def category_mapping(self):
return self.mapping
def _fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):
oe_missing_strat = {
'error': 'error',
'return_nan': 'return_nan',
'value': 'value',
'indicator': 'return_nan',
'ignore': 'return_nan'
self.ordinal_encoder = OrdinalEncoder(
self.ordinal_encoder = self.ordinal_encoder.fit(X)
self.mapping = self.generate_mapping()
def generate_mapping(self):
mapping = []
found_column_counts = {}
for switch in self.ordinal_encoder.mapping:
col = switch.get('col')
values = switch.get('mapping').copy(deep=True)
if self.handle_missing == 'value':
values = values[values > 0]
if len(values) == 0:
index = []
new_columns = []
append_nan_to_index = False
for cat_name, class_ in values.items():
if pd.isna(cat_name) and self.handle_missing in ['return_nan', 'ignore']:
# we don't want a mapping column if return_nan
# but do add the index to the end
append_nan_to_index = class_
if self.use_cat_names:
n_col_name = f"{col}_{cat_name}"
found_count = found_column_counts.get(n_col_name, 0)
found_column_counts[n_col_name] = found_count + 1
n_col_name += '#' * found_count
n_col_name = f"{col}_{class_}"
if self.handle_unknown == 'indicator':
n_col_name = f"{col}_-1"
if self.use_cat_names:
found_count = found_column_counts.get(n_col_name, 0)
found_column_counts[n_col_name] = found_count + 1
n_col_name += '#' * found_count
if append_nan_to_index:
base_matrix = np.eye(N=len(index), M=len(new_columns), dtype=int)
base_df = pd.DataFrame(data=base_matrix, columns=new_columns, index=index)
if self.handle_unknown == 'value':
base_df.loc[-1] = 0
elif self.handle_unknown == 'return_nan':
base_df.loc[-1] = np.nan
if self.handle_missing == 'return_nan':
base_df.loc[-2] = np.nan
elif self.handle_missing in ['value','ignore']:
base_df.loc[-2] = 0
mapping.append({'col': col, 'mapping': base_df})
return mapping
def _transform(self, X):
X = self.ordinal_encoder.transform(X)
if self.handle_unknown == 'error':
if X[self.cols].isin([-1]).any().any():
raise ValueError('Columns to be encoded can not contain new values')
X = self.get_dummies(X)
return X
[docs] def get_dummies(self, X_in):
Convert numerical variable into dummy variables
X_in: DataFrame
dummies : DataFrame
X = X_in.copy(deep=True)
cols = X.columns.tolist()
for switch in self.mapping:
col = switch.get('col')
mod = switch.get('mapping')
base_df = mod.reindex(X[col].fillna(-2))
base_df = base_df.set_index(X.index)
X = pd.concat([base_df, X], axis=1)
old_column_index = cols.index(col)
cols[old_column_index: old_column_index + 1] = mod.columns
X = X.reindex(columns=cols)
return X
[docs] def reverse_dummies(self, X, mapping):
Convert dummy variable into numerical variables
X : DataFrame
mapping: list-like
Contains mappings of column to be transformed to it's new columns and value represented
numerical: DataFrame
out_cols = X.columns.tolist()
mapped_columns = []
for switch in mapping:
col = switch.get('col')
mod = switch.get('mapping')
insert_at = out_cols.index(mod.columns[0])
X.insert(insert_at, col, 0)
positive_indexes = mod.index[mod.index > 0]
for i in range(positive_indexes.shape[0]):
existing_col = mod.columns[i]
val = positive_indexes[i]
X.loc[X[existing_col] == 1, col] = val
X = X.drop(mod.columns, axis=1)
out_cols = X.columns.tolist()
return X