Source code for metric_learn.constraints

Helper module for generating different types of constraints
from supervised data labels.
import numpy as np
import warnings
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

__all__ = ['Constraints']

[docs] class Constraints(object): """ Class to build constraints from labeled data. See more in the :ref:`User Guide <supervised_version>`. Parameters ---------- partial_labels : `numpy.ndarray` of ints, shape=(n_samples,) Array of labels, with -1 indicating unknown label. Attributes ---------- partial_labels : `numpy.ndarray` of ints, shape=(n_samples,) Array of labels, with -1 indicating unknown label. """
[docs] def __init__(self, partial_labels): partial_labels = np.asanyarray(partial_labels, dtype=int) self.partial_labels = partial_labels
[docs] def positive_negative_pairs(self, n_constraints, same_length=False, random_state=None, num_constraints='deprecated'): """ Generates positive pairs and negative pairs from labeled data. Positive pairs are formed by randomly drawing ``n_constraints`` pairs of points with the same label. Negative pairs are formed by randomly drawing ``n_constraints`` pairs of points with different label. In the case where it is not possible to generate enough positive or negative pairs, a smaller number of pairs will be returned with a warning. Parameters ---------- n_constraints : int Number of positive and negative constraints to generate. same_length : bool, optional (default=False) If True, forces the number of positive and negative pairs to be equal by ignoring some pairs from the larger set. random_state : int or numpy.RandomState or None, optional (default=None) A pseudo random number generator object or a seed for it if int. num_constraints : Renamed to n_constraints. Will be deprecated in 0.7.0 Returns ------- a : array-like, shape=(n_constraints,) 1D array of indicators for the left elements of positive pairs. b : array-like, shape=(n_constraints,) 1D array of indicators for the right elements of positive pairs. c : array-like, shape=(n_constraints,) 1D array of indicators for the left elements of negative pairs. d : array-like, shape=(n_constraints,) 1D array of indicators for the right elements of negative pairs. """ if num_constraints != 'deprecated': warnings.warn('"num_constraints" parameter has been renamed to' ' "n_constraints". It has been deprecated in' ' version 0.6.3 and will be removed in 0.7.0' '', FutureWarning) self.n_constraints = num_constraints else: self.n_constraints = n_constraints random_state = check_random_state(random_state) a, b = self._pairs(n_constraints, same_label=True, random_state=random_state) c, d = self._pairs(n_constraints, same_label=False, random_state=random_state) if same_length and len(a) != len(c): n = min(len(a), len(c)) return a[:n], b[:n], c[:n], d[:n] return a, b, c, d
[docs] def generate_knntriplets(self, X, k_genuine, k_impostor): """ Generates triplets from labeled data. For every point (X_a) the triplets (X_a, X_b, X_c) are constructed from all the combinations of taking one of its `k_genuine`-nearest neighbors of the same class (X_b) and taking one of its `k_impostor`-nearest neighbors of other classes (X_c). In the case a class doesn't have enough points in the same class (other classes) to yield `k_genuine` (`k_impostor`) neighbors a warning will be raised and the maximum value of genuine (impostor) neighbors will be used for that class. Parameters ---------- X : (n x d) matrix Input data, where each row corresponds to a single instance. k_genuine : int Number of neighbors of the same class to be taken into account. k_impostor : int Number of neighbors of different classes to be taken into account. Returns ------- triplets : array-like, shape=(n_constraints, 3) 2D array of triplets of indicators. """ # Ignore unlabeled samples known_labels_mask = self.partial_labels >= 0 known_labels = self.partial_labels[known_labels_mask] X = X[known_labels_mask] labels, labels_count = np.unique(known_labels, return_counts=True) len_input = known_labels.shape[0] # Handle the case where there are too few elements to yield k_genuine or # k_impostor neighbors for every class. k_genuine_vec = np.full_like(labels, k_genuine) k_impostor_vec = np.full_like(labels, k_impostor) for i, count in enumerate(labels_count): if k_genuine + 1 > count: k_genuine_vec[i] = count-1 warnings.warn("The class {} has {} elements, which is not sufficient " "to generate {} genuine neighbors as specified by " "k_genuine. Will generate {} genuine neighbors instead." "\n" .format(labels[i], count, k_genuine+1, k_genuine_vec[i])) if k_impostor > len_input - count: k_impostor_vec[i] = len_input - count warnings.warn("The class {} has {} elements of other classes, which is" " not sufficient to generate {} impostor neighbors as " "specified by k_impostor. Will generate {} impostor " "neighbors instead.\n" .format(labels[i], k_impostor_vec[i], k_impostor, k_impostor_vec[i])) # The total number of possible triplets combinations per label comes from # taking one of the k_genuine_vec[i] genuine neighbors and one of the # k_impostor_vec[i] impostor neighbors for the labels_count[i] elements comb_per_label = labels_count * k_genuine_vec * k_impostor_vec # Get start and finish for later triplet assigning # append zero at the begining for start and get cumulative sum start_finish_indices = np.hstack((0, comb_per_label)).cumsum() # Total number of triplets is the sum of all possible combinations per # label num_triplets = start_finish_indices[-1] triplets = np.empty((num_triplets, 3), dtype=np.intp) neigh = NearestNeighbors() for i, label in enumerate(labels): # generate mask for current label gen_mask = known_labels == label gen_indx = np.where(gen_mask) # get k_genuine genuine neighbors[gen_indx]) # Take elements of gen_indx according to the yielded k-neighbors gen_relative_indx = neigh.kneighbors(n_neighbors=k_genuine_vec[i], return_distance=False) gen_neigh = np.take(gen_indx, gen_relative_indx) # generate mask for impostors of current label imp_indx = np.where(~gen_mask) # get k_impostor impostor neighbors[imp_indx]) # Take elements of imp_indx according to the yielded k-neighbors imp_relative_indx = neigh.kneighbors(n_neighbors=k_impostor_vec[i], X=X[gen_mask], return_distance=False) imp_neigh = np.take(imp_indx, imp_relative_indx) # length = len_label*k_genuine*k_impostor start, finish = start_finish_indices[i:i+2] triplets[start:finish, :] = comb(gen_indx, gen_neigh, imp_neigh, k_genuine_vec[i], k_impostor_vec[i]) return triplets
def _pairs(self, n_constraints, same_label=True, max_iter=10, random_state=np.random): known_label_idx, = np.where(self.partial_labels >= 0) known_labels = self.partial_labels[known_label_idx] num_labels = len(known_labels) ab = set() it = 0 while it < max_iter and len(ab) < n_constraints: nc = n_constraints - len(ab) for aidx in random_state.randint(num_labels, size=nc): if same_label: mask = known_labels[aidx] == known_labels mask[aidx] = False # avoid identity pairs else: mask = known_labels[aidx] != known_labels b_choices, = np.where(mask) if len(b_choices) > 0: ab.add((aidx, random_state.choice(b_choices))) it += 1 if len(ab) < n_constraints: warnings.warn("Only generated %d %s constraints (requested %d)" % ( len(ab), 'positive' if same_label else 'negative', n_constraints)) ab = np.array(list(ab)[:n_constraints], dtype=int) return known_label_idx[ab.T]
[docs] def chunks(self, n_chunks=100, chunk_size=2, random_state=None, num_chunks='deprecated'): """ Generates chunks from labeled data. Each of ``n_chunks`` chunks is composed of ``chunk_size`` points from the same class drawn at random. Each point can belong to at most 1 chunk. In the case where there is not enough points to generate ``n_chunks`` chunks of size ``chunk_size``, a ValueError will be raised. Parameters ---------- n_chunks : int, optional (default=100) Number of chunks to generate. chunk_size : int, optional (default=2) Number of points in each chunk. random_state : int or numpy.RandomState or None, optional (default=None) A pseudo random number generator object or a seed for it if int. num_chunks : Renamed to n_chunks. Will be deprecated in 0.7.0 Returns ------- chunks : array-like, shape=(n_samples,) 1D array of chunk indicators, where -1 indicates that the point does not belong to any chunk. """ if num_chunks != 'deprecated': warnings.warn('"num_chunks" parameter has been renamed to' ' "n_chunks". It has been deprecated in' ' version 0.6.3 and will be removed in 0.7.0' '', FutureWarning) n_chunks = num_chunks random_state = check_random_state(random_state) chunks = -np.ones_like(self.partial_labels, dtype=int) uniq, lookup = np.unique(self.partial_labels, return_inverse=True) unknown_uniq = np.where(uniq < 0)[0] all_inds = [set(np.where(lookup == c)[0]) for c in range(len(uniq)) if c not in unknown_uniq] max_chunks = int(np.sum([len(s) // chunk_size for s in all_inds])) if max_chunks < n_chunks: raise ValueError(('Not enough possible chunks of %d elements in each' ' class to form expected %d chunks - maximum number' ' of chunks is %d' ) % (chunk_size, n_chunks, max_chunks)) idx = 0 while idx < n_chunks and all_inds: if len(all_inds) == 1: c = 0 else: c = random_state.randint(0, high=len(all_inds) - 1) inds = all_inds[c] if len(inds) < chunk_size: del all_inds[c] continue ii = random_state.choice(list(inds), chunk_size, replace=False) inds.difference_update(ii) chunks[ii] = idx idx += 1 return chunks
def comb(A, B, C, sizeB, sizeC): # generate_knntriplets helper function # generate an array with all combinations of choosing # an element from A, B and C return np.vstack((np.tile(A, (sizeB*sizeC, 1)).ravel(order='F'), np.tile(np.hstack(B), (sizeC, 1)).ravel(order='F'), np.tile(C, (1, sizeB)).ravel())).T def wrap_pairs(X, constraints): a = np.array(constraints[0]) b = np.array(constraints[1]) c = np.array(constraints[2]) d = np.array(constraints[3]) constraints = np.vstack((np.column_stack((a, b)), np.column_stack((c, d)))) y = np.concatenate([np.ones_like(a), -np.ones_like(c)]) pairs = X[constraints] return pairs, y