Details on the Positive Group Lasso#

This tutorial presents how to derive the proximity operator and subdifferential of the `l_2`-penalty, and the `l_2`-penalty with nonnegative constraints.

Proximity operator of the group Lasso#


`g:x \mapsto \norm{x}_2 ,`

then its Fenchel-Legendre conjugate is

(1)#`g^{\star}:x \mapsto i_{\norm{x}_2 \leq 1} ,`

and for all `x \in \mathbb{R}^p`

(2)#`\text{prox}_{g^{\star}}(x) = \text{proj}_{\mathcal{B}_2}(x) = \frac{x}{\max(\norm{x}_2, 1)} .`

Using the Moreau decomposition, Equations (1) and (2), one has

`\text{prox}_{\lambda g}(x) = x - \lambda \text{prox}_{g^\star/\lambda }(x/\lambda)`
`= x - \lambda \text{prox}_{g^\star}(x/\lambda)`
`= x - \lambda \frac{x/\lambda}{\max(\norm{x/\lambda}_2, 1)}`
`= x - \frac{\lambda x}{\max(\norm{x}_2, \lambda)}`
`= (1 - \frac{\lambda}{\norm{x}})_{+} x .`

A similar formula can be derived for the group Lasso with nonnegative constraints.

Proximity operator of the group Lasso with positivity constraints#


`h:x \mapsto \norm{x}_2 + i_{x \geq 0} .`

Let `x \in \mathbb{R}^p` and `S = \{ j \in 1, ..., p | x_j > 0 \} \in \mathbb{R}^p`, then

(3)#`h^{\star} :x \mapsto i_{\norm{x_S}_2 \leq 1} ,`


(4)#`\text{prox}_{h^{\star}}(x)_{S^c} = x_{S^c}`
(5)#`\text{prox}_{h^{\star}}(x)_S = \text{proj}_{\mathcal{B}_2}(x_S) = \frac{x_S}{\max(\norm{x_S}_2, 1)} .`

As before, using the Moreau decomposition and Equation (3) yields

`\text{prox}_{\lambda h}(x) = x - \lambda \text{prox}_{h^\star / \lambda }(x/\lambda)`
`= x - \lambda \text{prox}_{h^\star}(x/\lambda) ,`

and thus, combined with Equations (4) and (5) it leads to

`\text{prox}_{\lambda h}(x)_{S^c} = 0`
`\text{prox}_{\lambda h}(x)_{S} = (1 - \frac{\lambda}{\norm{x_S}})_{+} x_S .`

Subdifferential of the positive Group Lasso penalty#

For the subdiff_diff working set strategy, we compute the distance `D(v)` for some `v` to the subdifferential of the `h` penalty at a point `w`. Since the penalty is group-separable, we reduce the case where `w` is a block of variables in `\mathbb{R}^g`.

Case `w \notin \mathbb{R}_+^g`#

If any component of `w` is strictly negative, the subdifferential is empty, and the distance is `+ \infty`.

`D(v) = + \infty, \quad \forall v \in \mathbb{R}^g .`

Case `w = 0`#

At `w = 0`, the subdifferential is:

`\lambda \partial || \cdot ||_2 + \partial \iota_{x \geq 0} = \lambda \mathcal{B}_2 + \mathbb{R}_-^g ,`

where `\mathcal{B}_2` is the unit ball.

Therefore, the distance to the subdifferential writes

`D(v) = \min_{u \in \lambda \mathcal{B}_2, n \in \mathbb{R}_{-}^g} \ || u + n - v || .`

Minimizing over `n` then over `u`, thanks to [1], yields

`D(v) = \max(0, ||v^+|| - \lambda) ,`

where `v^+` is `v` restricted to its positive coordinates. Intuitively, it is clear that if `v_i < 0`, we can cancel it exactly in the objective function by taking `n_i = - v_i` and `u_i = 0`; on the other hand, if `v_i>0`, taking a non zero `n_i` will only increase the quantity that `u_i` needs to bring closer to 0.

For a rigorous derivation of this, introduce the Lagrangian on a squared objective

`\mathcal{L}(u, n, \nu, \mu) = \frac{1}{2}\norm{u + n - v}^2 + \nu(\frac{1}{2} \norm{u}^2 - \lambda^2 / 2) + \langle \mu, n \rangle ,`

and write down the optimality condition with respect to `u` and `n`. Treat the case `nu = 0` separately; in the other case show that :math:u must be positive, and that `v = (1 + \nu) u + n`, together with `u = \mu / \nu` and complementary slackness, to reach the conclusion.

Case `|| w || \ne 0`#

The subdifferential in that case is `\lambda w / {|| w ||} + C_1 \times \ldots \times C_g` where `C_j = {0}` if `w_j > 0` and `C_j = mathbb{R}_-` otherwise (`w_j =0`).

By letting `p` denotes the projection of `v` onto this set, one has

`p_j = \lambda \frac{w_j}{||w||} \text{ if } w_j > 0`


`p_j = \min(v_j, 0) \text{ otherwise}.`

The distance to the subdifferential is then:

`D(v) = || v - p || = \sqrt{\sum_{j, w_j > 0} (v_j - \lambda \frac{w_j}{||w||})^2 + \sum_{j, w_j=0} \max(0, v_j)^2`

since `v_j - \min(v_j, 0) = v_j + \max(-v_j, 0) = \max(0, v_j)`.

